Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Starting To See The Light At the End of The (Cold, Dark) Tunnel

So much has been going on in the past month. I am completely done with my Peds class!!! (except for my last clinical the day after spring break, but don't get me started about that) Just one more class until graduation. It's so surreal... When I pass Adult Health 3(positive thoughts!) I will be prepared to be a nurse. Nursing school had gone by fast but yet felt like it's in slow motion at the same time especially during 8 hr clinicals.

This month was challenging for more than just normal school stuff. I was completely unmotivated and coasted through it. The weather been totally depressing and I desperately need springtime and sunshine with all its glory. I'm pretty sure I've had a vitamin d deficiency for the past few months and have been suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Since Peds was not a difficult class I seriously lost motivation because I need to be challenged academically. So I feel ready for AH3 because I've heard how super hard it is. I need to start getting my money's worth. I feel that the next 6 wks of the hardest nursing class will be a blessing in disguise. No matter what people say I see it as being do-able. I am claiming the promise of "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

My outlook is that God has brought me so far so of course He will get me through this make it or break class. There are always going to be hurdles I must jump in my future. After this class it's NCLEX. After that it will be finding a good first job. Then working as a nurse and going to school w/o burning out. There's always something. I can't give up now when I have so much ahead to look forward to.

The most providential thing happened last week. I went to a health career fair that my college put on with representatives from various colleges and SDA hospitals. I went to the booth for a certain southern California SDA hospital and was met with a recruiter who was not friendly or remotely pleasant to talk to. While I was giving my information to her (because I wanted to keep my options open for jobs) a couple of other nursing students who I did not know was talking with her. She was just as rude to them as she was to me. So I walked down a few booths to talk to other people. As I was waiting I overheard the other nursing students talk about how rude that recruiter was and how they did not appreciate it. I turned around and joined their conversation because I was taken aback from her behavior also. I expressed how I would love to line up a job for after grad. After chatting for awhile the girl tells me that her mom is a nurse at the hospital I had clinicals for OB and she would put in a good word for me to get my first nursing job this summer! We exchanged contact information and I believe that everything happens for a reason. If it wasn't for that rude recruiter I wouldn't have met a fellow student with awesome connections. Praise God because I needed a boost for my morale. Getting job offers totally helps motivate me to get to grad. Especially because it's in the area of women's health.

Speaking of women’s services, I talked with an unofficial lactation consultant who gave me loads of information about the profession if I ever want to take my career in that direction. I definitely know that I want to work with teen moms and I will stress the importance of nursing their babies wherever I work because it will give them such a healthy start to life. Lactation consulting is something I am considering. Yay! for positive career advice =)

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