Friday, January 1, 2010

The Buried Life

I came across this new MTV show/documentary and it really inspired me to make my own "Bucket List" and to most of all never stop losing sight of what I want to do in life. It's easy to let stress, school, and just stuff get me off track and in a rut. So here's to a new year and another year of life. I plan to live up 2010 :)

Drumroll please.... here's my list so far!

1. Take a surfing lesson in Hawaii
2. Ride a gondola in Venice
3. Deliver a baby
4. Be in a musical
5. Get kissed in the rain
6. Eat a mango and/or pineapple that I've picked myself (fave fresh fruits!)
7. See a broadway show
8. Be on the news (for something good)
9. Ride an elephant
10. Help build a house for Habitat for Humanity
11. Visit all 50 states (22 down 28 to go)
12. Be in a protest
13. See a taping of SNL
14. Wake up to a sunrise on the beach
15. Compose a song on piano
16. See penguins in Antartica
17. Write a book
18. Cook a full course meal
19. Learn how to swim
20. Go to Machu Pichu
21. Swim with dolphins
22. Ice skate in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time
23. Go on a ferris wheel (despite my fear of heights!)
24. Meet anyone from The Office
25. Swim in the Meditteranean
26. Sing karaoke
27. Learn to speak another language fluently
28. Hug a panda
29. Go on a horse drawn sleigh ride in the snow
30. Slow dance with a guy
31. Learn how to sail a boat
32. Go to a murder mystery party
33. Visit a castle in Europe
34. Eat Swiss chocolate in Switzerland
35. Date a foreign guy
36. Take a dance lesson
37. Lead someone to Christ
38. Ride in a double decker bus in London
39. Film a documentary
40. Be serenaded
41. Jump a train car
42. See the Parthenon in Greece
43. Rollerblade while being pulled by a bike (Napoleon Dynamite style)
44. See a taping of The Daily Show
45. Eat something I can't pronounce
46. Cover myself in bubblewrap and roll on a hard surface
47. Go to the top of a lighthouse
48. Be a medical missionary
49. Go to the Olympics (as a spectator not a competitor)
50. Eat authentic pizza in Italy

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